60 hour online teacher training CPD course for qualified Yoga teachers who desire to learn the fundamentals of the Viniyoga approach
Develop the skills you need to confidently incorporate the principles of the Viniyoga approach into your yoga classes, helping your students experience a Yoga practice that suits theirs needs and enhances their progress.
We offer this course in two formats; a group option and as a 1-2-1 option so you can choose to study in the way that works best for you.
What is the Viniyoga approach?
The term Viniyoga was used by TKV Desikachar to describe the approach to Yoga that he had been taught by his father T Krishnamacharya. The term refers to the appropriate application of the tools of Yoga to an individual rather than to a particular style of Yoga. It highlights the need to treat every student as an individual and to tailor the practice to their needs and interests rather than trying to adopt a one size fits all approach.
What are the key aspects of the Viniyoga approach?
There are three key aspects that explain the main differences between the Viniyoga approach and most other forms of āsana practice.
Vinyāsa krama
We start our practice where we are and then we choose the specific steps, placed in a deliberate way, that lead us to our chosen goal before gradually returning us to our daily lives.
This intelligent approach to sequencing allows teachers to confidently create an endless supply of individually tailored practices that meet the precise needs of the practitioner at any point in time. Practices may involve both dynamic and static movements. However, all elements will have been included in the practice for a specific reason; there’s no unnecessary filler!
Function Over Form
The Viniyoga approach focuses on function rather than form in āsana practice. Viniyoga teachers have a deep understanding of the postures so that they can select appropriate postures and then skilfully adapt the basic form to achieve a desired result. This allows them to safely work with a wide variety of students and guide them so they can experience real change from their Yoga practice.
Breath as the foundation of practice
The Breath both initiates and surrounds the movement in āsana. The Viniyoga approach deliberately develops and adapts the pattern of breathing used in āsana to produce different effects that deepen the practitioner’s experience of their practice.
Adding the principles of the Viniyoga approach to your Yoga will not only enhance your Yoga knowledge in these ways, it will also provide you with a completely unique approach to offer your students, many of whom may benefit from a more tailored approach to their Yoga practice.
Expand your teaching skillset
Stand out from the crowd in an oversaturated market of under-qualified yoga teachers by offering a more skilful, client centric Yoga experience that really sets you apart.
Help your students deepen their experience of Yoga in a way that stays healing and doesn’t lead to injury.
Confidently teach a broader range of students including those with long term health and mobility challenges in a way that is supportive and inclusive to increase student retention.
Hone your practice planning skills so you never run out of inspiration while helping your students move with greater freedom and confidence.
Group course specifics
‘Expand your teaching with the Viniyoga approach’ is a fully online 60 hour teacher training CPD course for qualified yoga teachers.
All lessons are conducted over Zoom, with a combination of live Viniyoga approach classes and informal & interactive group workshops (scroll down for details).
The maximum number of students on our group course option is limited, so you will have the chance to get to know your peers over the 12 weeks, learning from each other in workshop breakout rooms during our regular Zoom calls, sharing knowledge and experience and learning as a collective.
Module 1 - Basics
Understand how the Viniyoga approach is different from other approaches to Yoga, and why your students need it.
Get specific about the principles of practice in the Viniyoga approach and learn how to apply these successfully with your students.
Discover how we use the breath in the Viniyoga approach to facilitate movement and how to apply this knowledge of the breath to deepen your students’ experience of their practice.
Module 2 - Vinyāsa krama
Understand the concept of vinyāsa krama in the Viniyoga of Yoga approach and why we need it.
Master the application of vinyāsa krama to practice planning and learn how to approach developing your students’ practices in both the short and longer terms so they’ll be able to see and feel real progress.
Module 3 - Going deeper with āsana
Review your understanding of the key characteristics of the most frequently used postures and learn why the application of this knowledge is fundamental to successful practice planning.
Understand how the Viniyoga approach categorises postures to create the basis of safer practices that feel better for the practitioner.
Module 4 - Sequencing
Feel confident teaching the basic Viniyoga of Yoga approach sequencing format.
Discover the specific framework we use to design our sequences so you’ll be able to quickly generate an endless variety of class plans .
Be more strategic in your sequencing so your students leaving class walking taller, feeling more energised, calm and confident in their bodies.
Module 5 - Adaptations and modifications
Learn why we might adapt or modify poses.
Experience how we can use this knowledge to skilfully craft practices that really meet our students where they are and enhance their enjoyment of their classes whether or not they have pre-existing conditions or injuries.
Incorporate this knowledge into your practice planning toolkit to help students explore their potential and avoid injury in the long term.
Understand how to use simple props in your classes to support your students and learn when this may be appropriate or when you might want to take a different approach.
The unique blend of Eastern wisdom & Western science
During each module, in addition to focusing on a specific theme, you will learn how to teach from the Viniyoga approach perspective and experience the practice in your own body.
The workshop format will offer you space to ask questions and refine specific postures and exercises, learning how to practically integrate Viniyoga approach techniques into your Yoga classes.
The curriculum will be divided into a mixture of practical (in the form of live online weekly Viniyoga approach classes), interactive seminars over Zoom, discussion, workshopping and teaching practice.
Your group course resources
“Expand your teaching with the Viniyoga approach” course manual.
Facebook group for the duration of this course so you’re able to stay connected with your peers, ask questions and learn together.
All classes are streamed live via Zoom
(Session times are for France (UK - 1 hour)).
12 x Wednesday afternoons
(1:30pm - 4:30pm Paris, 12:30 - 3:30pm UK)
Viniyoga approach group classes chosen from our online weekly timetable during your course
You will need to attend at least 13 of these classes but can attend as many as you wish during your course.
A weekly recording is also available if you are unable to attend live.
Group course dates
Next group course intake starts January 2024
10 & 24 Jan, 7 & 21 Feb, 6 & 20 Mar, 3 & 17 Apr, 1, 15 & 29 May, 12 June
Recordings will be available for any sessions you are unable to attend live.
Group course fees
Course cost - €846 or
6 monthly payments of €141
(approx £734 or US$890)
By paying for your place, you confirm that you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions as set out in the learner agreement. You can download a copy of the agreement below.
Early booking bonus 1
When you book your space, you’ll receive an unlimited class pass to join our live, online group Yoga classes until the course starts in January. This is the perfect way to start exploring your Viniyoga based practice before our training time together begins.
Valued at up to €160
Early booking bonus 2
For bookings made before 30 November, you’ll also receive a complimentary 90 minute 1-on-1 coaching session with our experienced Viniyoga mentor, Kate.
During this personalised session, we'll dive deep into your teaching journey, addressing any specific challenges or areas you'd like to focus on. Kate will provide valuable insights, guidance, and tailored recommendations to help you excel in your Viniyoga practice and elevate your teaching to new heights.
Don't miss this incredible opportunity to receive individualised support from an expert in the field. Space is limited, so secure your spot today!
Valued at €150
Prefer a 1-2-1 course?
Working with us 1-2-1 is the ideal way to enhance your teaching skill set. The basic course outline remains the same as for the group course but, because we will tailor the content to suit your particular goals and needs, you’ll be able to
Start whenever you are ready; no need to wait for the next group course dates to come around.
Choose how we use our hours together so you can go deeper in the areas that really interest you and build on your existing skillset.
Maximise the benefits you receive from your valuable study hours.
Receive individual support to help you grow as a teacher more comfortably.
Choose your hours to work around your other commitments so you can study when you feel fresher and more relaxed. No more getting up in the dark to squeeze your hours in before you dash off to another appointment or staying up too late when you’d rather be tucked up in bed!
Complete the course over a timescale that suits you and your learning preferences. You can schedule your sessions over a maximum period of 12 months (the average completion time is 6 months) so it’s up to you how fast or slow you want to go!
Attend as many of our online group classes as you wish to support your learning experience while you are with us.
Ask all the questions you want during your training sessions! You’ll have our undivided attention during these hours so you can use us as a resource in whatever way supports you and your learning style best.
Once you’ve experienced the benefits of working individually with your teacher, we’re sure that, like us, this will be your favourite way to study!
1-2-1 course fees
Your 1-2-1 course also includes the option to attend as many of our online group Yoga classes as you wish during our time together (valued at up to €704).
Our 1-2-1 course option costs - €1299
(Approx £1,127 or US$1,366)
If you need a payment plan, please contact us to discuss the options.
Meet your teachers
I am a full time senior Yoga teacher and Yoga therapist with in excess of 14 years and 5,000 hours of teaching experience together with more than 1,500 hours of formal training to draw on.
As well as holding the British Wheel of Yoga (BWY) Diploma, BWY Advanced Diploma and Foundation Course 1 & 2 Tutor qualifications, I am also a qualified Yoga Therapist (formerly IAYT (US) and CNHC (UK) registered).
Siret: 842 761 710 00016
I am a full time senior Yoga teacher with over ten years of teaching experience and in excess of 1,000 hours of formal training to draw on.
I am a BWY Accredited Yoga Teacher and also a fully qualified Yoga therapist (previously registered with the CNHC in the UK)
Siret: 842 760 159 00017
Our students will tell you that we are passionate about helping students improve their posture, breathing, fitness, strength, flexibility and overall wellbeing through the application of the Viniyoga approach.
We belief that an appropriately tailored Yoga practice can make a huge difference when helping Yoga students develop and maintain their sense of well-being in the long term and our goal is to share these teachings with yoga teachers around the world.
Why Yoga teachers need Viniyoga approach training
Over the years we’ve noticed that many yoga classes don’t cater for large parts of the population and that Yoga teachers are often uncomfortable accommodating a breadth of student abilities in their classes. We’ve met many Yoga students who’ve come away from classes feeling excluded or that Yoga simply isn’t beneficial for people like them. We’ve also worked with students with specific goals who’s previous teachers haven’t had the specialised knowledge and skill needed to adapt a practice, in a general class setting, to help them meet those goals. Dissatisfied with a one size fits all approach, those students have finally been able to access the tools they’ve needed by working with teachers who apply a Viniyoga based approach.
As western practitioners, our bodies are heavily influenced by the sedentary nature of our culture. A more traditional posture based Yoga practice often doesn’t address our lifestyle needs. At best, it doesn’t help us reach our full potential and worst it can often lead to injury.
Learning to apply the Viniyoga approach as a teacher is about incorporating the best of East and West into one practice that works with our 21st century bodies. The toolkit you’ll develop will allow you to engage with a broader range of students and increase their satisfaction with their practices.
Whereas many styles of yoga emphasise flexibility and physicality, it’s important for the safety and longevity of our practice that we also share with our students techniques and exercises that meet their specific needs.
Upon completion of the course, students will receive a 60 hour digital certification from Phoenix Yoga.
With thanks to Rob Hume for the great photos from one of our pre-Covid in person courses.